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- Looking Towards Saint Benedict's Monastery
Looking Towards Saint Benedict's Monastery

Looking Towards Saint Benedict's Monastery
From their remote and private perch, these three otherwise nondescript, abandoned fence posts get to enjoy . . .
From their remote and private perch, these three otherwise nondescript, abandoned fence posts get to enjoy . . .
From the Artist:
From their remote and private perch, these three otherwise nondescript, abandoned fence posts get to enjoy the changing scenery of one of the world’s greatest views every day.
Their message is that the world may have discarded you and not placed much value on your worth—yet in spite of that, you can carve out your own private and special place that creates unending joy and fascination for you alone.
About the Prints:
Museum Quality Archival Pigment Print
Aluboard Prints (24x36 Image Size and Above) are Printed on FujiFlex Archive Printing Material and Mounted on Aluminum Board (no framing necessary; ready for installation)